Advertise in PharmacoVigilance Review

The PharmacoVigilance Review is an international quarterly journal reporting on the safety of medicines and medical devices and helping the reader to comply with the complex regulations for risk assessment, pharmacovigilance planning and surveillance.

Unlike other information sources, PharmacoVigiliance Review is dedicated to helping the reader to understand and keep up with the often jargon-ridden regulations which are being continually introduced. Thus this journal doesn’t simply list new regulations – each item comes with analysis and comment on their effect on you and your company.

Other topics include reviews on drug safety, risk management, quality management, pre-clinical and post-marketing studies, new EU and FDA requirements, prescription event monitoring and highlights of relevant conferences.

Journal and Web Advertising rates

The PharmacoVigilance Review contains a limited number of advertisements and commercials editorials. Rates are applicable until further notice and are exclusive of VAT. For alternative sizes and plans please request a quotation.

Journal No. of Issues Price (£)
Quarter page Advert 1 350
4 1050
Half page advert 1 600
4 1800
Full page advert 1 1000
4 3000
Web Duration Price (£)
180px x 150px 3 months 150
12 months 450
170px x 230px 3 months 200
12 months 600


All advertisements should be submitted as high resolution PDFs.