Pharmacoeconomics and Outcome Assessment - A Global Issue
Pharmacoeconomics and Outcome Assessment - A Global Issue

Pharmacoeconomics and Outcome Assessment - A Global Issue


eBook version

Edited by Dr Sam Salek

The terms ‘pharmacoeconomics’ and ‘outcomes assessment’ have become common currency in recent years. A journal, ‘PharmacoEconomics’ was launched in 1992 and a new society, the International Society for Pharmacoeconomic and Outcomes Research is growing rapidly.

The birth of a new field of study inevitably raises many issues: why has pharmacoeconomics suddenly become so important; does it really differ from health economics; is it something pharmacists need to embrace; what are the immediate and long term implications for the pharmaceutical industry? This new book, edited by Sam Salek, greatly informs our understanding of these issues.

Pharmacoeconomics and outcomes assessment has gained prominence owing to a changing healthcare environment. Pressures on healthcare budgets mean that all items of expenditure, including those on pharmaceuticals, have come under greater scrutiny. Therefore, manufacturers of pharmaceuticals have come under greater pressure to generate evidence on the value for money from use of their products

CHAPTER 1 The impact of health economics on health policy, health services and decision-making by David Cohen 

CHAPTER 2 Pharmacoeconomics: what’s in a name? by Mo Malek 

CHAPTER 3 Pharmacoeconomic education in schools of pharmacy by Karen Rascati, JoLaine Draugalis, Therese Connor and David Sclar

CHAPTER 4  Methodologies used to evaluate and measure the economic outcomes of drug treatments by Clive Pritchard and Adrian Towse 

CHAPTER 5 Case studies in pharmacoeconomics and assessment of outcomes by Bradley Martin, F Lamar Pritchard, Jeffrey Kotzan, Matthew Perri III and David Sclar 

CHAPTER 6 The use of interactive computer models to present pharmacoeconomic data by Andy Duggan 

CHAPTER 7 Pharmacoeconomics and clinical drug research by  Jeff Lee, Jane Osterhaus and Ray Townsend 

CHAPTER 8 The potential and limitations of pharmacoeconomic research in the pharmaceutical industry by Ray Churnside and Patrick Hopkinson

CHAPTER 9 The role of pharmacoeconomics in response to globalization and increased competition in the pharmaceutical industry by Gregory Hess, Marc Watrous, David Strutton and Anthony Bower 

CHAPTER 10 Pharmacoeconomics and the future of the pharmaceutical industry. Should they be encouraged to establish a pharmacoeconomic team? by  David Jones  

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