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Euromed Communications
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Maas & Peither AG GMP-Verlag Karlstrasse 2 79650 Schopfheim - GERMANY |
Maas & Peither America, Inc. GMP-Publishing 1725 I St NW, Suite 300 Washington, DC 20006, USA |
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+49 7622 66686-74 | +1 (202) 349 3864 |
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+49 7622 66686-77 | N/A |
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HRB 700572 Amtsgericht Freiburg i.Br.; Managing Board: Barbara Peither, Thomas Peither
Supervisory Board: Horst Geiger (Chair); VAT-ID DE251 226 929. Maas & Peither - GMP Publishing specialises in providing current Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) information. Maas & Peither serves as a platform for GMP knowledge and has become a trusted partner for all GMP related questions and related publications. The main product is the “GMP Compliance Adviser”.