Guide to Joint Replacement
Guide to Joint Replacement
Guide to Joint Replacement
Guide to Joint Replacement
Guide to Joint Replacement
Guide to Joint Replacement

Guide to Joint Replacement


This patient guide e-book looks at Hip replacements, Knee replacements, Ankle replacements, Shoulder replacements, Elbow replacements and Wrist Replacements explaining about the problems and who might need each of these different surgeries, what alternative non-operative treatments are available, what the procedure entails, possible complications, recovery time and what to expect after recovery. Explanations are supported by diagrams detailing the joints and the procedures.

The book is only available in ebook format.

by Panagiotis Gikas BSc, MBBS Hons, MD(Res), PhD FRCS (Tr&Orth) of the Royal National Orthopedic Hospital and Punam Bharania BSc MBBS Hons MD.

Illustrated by Vincent Harding


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