Guide to Gynaecological Surgery
£19.99This Booklet contains drawings of the thirty most commonly performed gynaecological operations and family planning procedures for the purposes of patient explanation. Patients increasingly wish to know more about their own internal anatomy and what doctors intend to do to influence this, either medically or surgically. This is evidenced by a plethora of medical textbooks written for the layperson and an ever-increasing number of television and radio programmes devoted to medical subjects. Physicians and surgeons have responded to this by providing more detailed explanations for their patients both verbally and in the form of ‘handouts’.
Drawings include Incisions, Genital tract overview, Dilatation and curettage–Uterine evacuation, Laparoscopy, Anteversion of the uterus, Appendicectomy, Insertion of IUCD, Position of the cap, Position of the diaphragm, hysterectomy - total, hysterectomy - subtotal, hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy, myomectomy, Colposcopy, Cone biopsy of cervix, cryocautery to the cervix, Tubal Sterilisation, Reversal of sterilisation, salpingectomy, salpingostomy, removal of ectopic pregnancy, oophorectomy, ovarian cystectomy, vaginal hysterectomy and repair, prolapse repair (Manchester) Cystocoele repair (anterior) Rectocoele repair (posterior) ring pessary, calposuspension, Bartholin's cyst/abscess - marsupialization, vulvectomy.
The book is only available in ebook format.
Edited by J. Richard Smith MRCOG
Illustrated by Dee McLean